This Drug is Affecting Billions! Even You!

The topic of addiction is one of the hardest conversations to have. When you hear addiction, most people think of narcotics or alcohol and you can usually tell what they’re thinking, by the faces they make. However, one that is often left in the shadows and is probably more prominent than any drug out there, is technology.

Let’s be completely honest…Why are we on our phones as we use the restroom? Why is the phone the very first thing people grab when they wake up? As people, it is easy to fall into the web of technology, especially with how we use it in almost every aspect of our lives now. To lower your tolerance, try going on a technology detox. Many people can vouch that a technology detox has opened their eyes to their own addiction or has helped them become more productive.

I invite you to watch this Vlog of my journey on a 24-hour technology detox. But remember, every one’s journey is their own, so don’t let it discourage you as results may vary.

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